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Group Blogging – Phone Sex Advertising

Happy Tuesday! Today I want to touch on group blogging as a method for advertising phone sex. Group blogging is something I saw a lot of when I first started my indie phone sex career. Group blogging is basically where phone sex operators collaborate by posting blogs to a website in hopes that the search engine gods will bless their website and be seen by potential customers.

Phone Sex Blogs

I know for many that blogging is a job in itself, but group blogging really is a great way to get more exposure. I was part of a group blogging website in 2015 and it helped with traffic to my website and phone sex lines a ton. A phone sex operator created the group blogging website where profiles of phone sex operators were listed and every week, phone sex operators were required to submit at least one blog per phone sex character. It did take time to build up traffic(like anything else), but it became successful within a few months time.

Our blogs had to be in a specific format which helped potential clients find our website through search engines like Google. Blogs had to be filled with at least 3-5 keywords and had to be a minimum of 300 words. There were other blog requirements, but these were the most important. I had three of my phone sex characters listed, but the owner had six different phone sex characters on the site. She didn’t have a limit on how many phone sex characters one could have. Phone sex operators just had to make sure to submit at least one blog a week for each character.

New Group Blogging Website

The owner unfortunately closed the site down because ladies stopped turning in blogs and she got busy with other things. So the other day I was thinking of another method for advertising phone sex and decided to create my own group blogging website! It’s still in the works, but I have added one of my phone sex characters and posted one blog for her. I will add my other phone sex characters later on. If you’re interested in joining my group blogging website PSO tales, please visit the website and look over the required information to join.

I really want to get this going and help get everyone some traffic to their indie phone sex websites. If you’re not used to blogging, you can hire a blog writer. I do provide a blogging manual once your phone sex character profile is approved. You are allowed to submit more than one profile.

This is the perfect opportunity to gain more traffic to your phone sex character websites. If you have any questions about PSO Tales, please email me at

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Written by Sarabi Maraj

Virtual BOSS

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