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Second Life Virtual Sex

This is an official sneak peek to one of my favorite classes for Online Sex Worker Academy. Some of you may already know about the wonderful world of Second Life. If you don’t, Second Life is a virtual world where you can do just about anything you do in real life. You can date, marry your best friend, go on vacations, become a doctor, etc. The possibilities really are endless with the number of things you can do in this virtual world. If you’re an online sex worker, you can level up your entire advertising plan by promoting your services here as well.

When I first started playing Second Life, I played it for leisure. I didn’t even think about making money there until I met someone who told me she worked at a club and was paying all her real life bills by providing voice sex services. I couldn’t believe it at first, but then she showed me screenshots of her transferring money from Second Life to her PayPal account on a daily basis. The gears in my mind started turning and I asked her if she could show me how.

She took me to the club she worked at and showed me the ropes. I met the owner who hired me to work there after a brief conversaton. She explained to me that I could make $200 US dollars a day at her club, but I would have to put in the hours and be creative with my services. Creativity is my speciality so I knew I would do just fine working there. My first hour working, I did a thirty minute phone sex session and made 15,000 Lindens. For those who don’t know, Lindens is the currency used in Second Life. 15,000 Lindens today is about $60. For me, that was a good amount to make in half a hour so I kept on working to see how much more I could make.

Four hours later, I did another phone sex session and three texting sessions. At the end of my shift, I made $150. Averaging about $37.50/hour while playing a game I loved, was amazing to me! I worked at the club just for a short time because I knew I wanted to be independent. However, I learned a lot while working there and I still use some of these advertising techniques today.

Excited yet? I got excited all over again writing this, but Second Life really is what you make it just like anything else. I know a lot of sex workers on Second Life and everyone’s hustle is different. Some just purchase ad boards and can make $300-$500/day. Others put up those same ad boards and only make $50-$100/day. It all depends on your pictures, services, and how creative you are with your services.

In my Online Sex Worker Academy course I talk in detail about how to advertise, where to advertise, how to get more clients, etc. I basically bundle up everything you need in an online self paced course and in a full guide you can download. This course that goes into depth about being an online sex worker on Second Life is not for beginners. You must know how to play the game, move around, change your clothes, update your avatar, etc. I do have a beginners course that will be available soon to get you started if you know nothing about Second Life. I will also be offering one on one coaching sessions.

My inworld classroom will be available on Second Life for instructor led classes in the next couple of months. I do need teachers at this time, but will not start recruiting them for the next couple of weeks. Teachers are required to know about online sex work on the Second Life platform and most possess some creativity to put an interesting spin on the curriculum to keep students interested. Teachers will be paid in Lindens and will receive access to a portal where they can keep track of their payments, class roster, student activity, etc. It is required that teachers speak on voice. I will provide more information about this at a later date.

I know you’re anxious to get started with Online Sex Worker Academy, but I am currently getting the payment processors together. Everything will be complete soon! I really appreciate everyone’s patience and look forward to helping you all achieve your goals!

What do you think?

Written by Sarabi

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Online Sex Worker Courses are almost here!

Second Life Book